Failed to load addin Ansys.Simulation.Core.Addin from location C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140/Addins/Simulation/bin/Win64//Ans.Simulation.Core.dll. This addin will be skipped.: The given configuration file path does not exist!

This error occurs when the following file "SolverInventory.xml" is missing in C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\aisol\bin\winx64

This occurs in V14.0 and Ansys tech support confirms that they corrected this in v14.5

To work arround, Just copy and paste "SolverInventory.xml" from C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\aisol\bin\winx64 from any other workstation where Ansys is working fine or re install the Ansys.


  1. Replies
    1. You can update to Ansys 14.5. The problem is solved in this version. You can directly go for V14.5.7 which released last week.

    2. You can update to Ansys 14.5. The problem is solved in this version. You can directly go for V14.5.7 which released last week.
